Thursday, June 5, 2008


Podcasting is another thing I had heard of but never tried. I subscribed to "LibVibe: The Library News Podcast." Sort of like a mini news report with the only subject being news about various library related things.
I also ended up listing to the Denver Public Library Podcast of "Oliver's World" -- a cute children's book, just the first part of the book actually.
And the Grand Rapids Public Library book review by "Amy" of "People of Paper."

The personal interest podcast was harder to accomplish. I tried for one on Scotland, one on Maui, one on Hawaii, even one on Garth Brooks. One wouldn't let me subscribe, two I subscribed to but they had errors with a note from Bloglines that they'll "work on it." I did successfully get subscribed to one finally but not really my first choice.

I could see Sno-Isle using podcasts for patron instructions on how to use library services, booktalks, taping of programs for customers to listen to at their convenience. Could be helpful in allowing one librarian to sort of be in more than one place at the same time. Interesting.

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