Thursday, June 26, 2008


I had fun creating my Avatar. I tried Doppelme and Tektek ... they were cute in their own way. But the Meez came highly recommended by a trusted source, Jazzergigi, so I ended up there. And now my Avatar alter-ego is installed on my blog :-)

I do not currently live in Second Life but I did take a look and there are some interesting things going on there. I think it would be fun to try... someday... when time allows in the regular life. Or who knows, maybe it would be a fun place to get away for a while. With the current price of gas it would certainly be less expensive than most other kinds of getaways right now.


thisandthat said...

Your avatar is sooo cute!! Thank goodness Jazzergigi hooked everyone up with Meez. There really wasn't much room for creativity on Doppelme and Tektek. Wow, only a couple more weeks and all this Web 2.0 stuff will be over. I guess I have mixed emotions about that. Some of it's been a lot of fun.

Denise said...

Thanks for the comment about my alter-ego there. I have now put her in bunny slippers so she looks a little more like me- LOL.

Yep, I've enjoyed the 2.0 learning. I feel much less in the dark about all of that now. And I'm sure that eventually... maybe...I'll even actually use some of it!